Policy Notes
Mobility and the Economic effect of COVID-19 in United Kingdom, by Joseph P. Byrne, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University; Mario Cerrato, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow; and Xuan Zhang, Institute of Economics and Finance, Nanjing Audit University; October, 2020
The COVID-19 Pandemic And The Economy: We Are Fighting A New War, by Mario Cerrato, Adam Smith Business School and Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Brunel University, London (April 2020)
The Rise and Fall of the ABS Market, by Mario Cerrato, Adam Smith Business School
Bank Capital Structure, Valuation Adjustments and Financial Market Liquidity, by Mario Cerrato (Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow; Shengfeng Mei, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, January, 2025